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Addendum to Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Oglethorpe Power Corporation Asbury-Nord Kaolin 115 Kv Transmission Line and Nord Kaolin 115/25 Kv Substation, Twiggs County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report documents the results of a cultural resources survey of a segment of the proposed Oglethorpe Power Corporation Asbury Nord Kaolin 115 kV Transmission Line and Nord Kaolin 115/25 kV Substation. The original survey for this project located a potentially significant site in the transmission line corridor, requiring a reroute of approximately 1300 feet of the corridor and moving the proposed substation location. Survey of the rerouted portions of the tract located one prehistoric site and one isolated find. Both of these occurrences appear to be redeposited cultural materials in slopewash and neither qualifies as a significant cultural resource.