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Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Stanton Springs Parkway in Morgan, Newton, and Walton Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

URS Corporation performed a Phase I archaeological survey of the proposed Stanton Springs Parkway in Morgan, Newton, and Walton Counties, Georgia on November 9-10,2004. The proposed parkway would be a 4-lane road on new location beginning at U.S 278/S.R. 12 approximately 2000 feet southwest of the intersection with 1-20 and traveling in an easterly direction for approximately 2.3 miles. The right of way width would be 100 feet. As a result of the survey, three archaeological loci were recorded within the proposed parkway corridor. All three loci were historic, dating in all likelihood to the early or middle 20'h Century. The loci are not considered significant and have not been recommended for listing in the Nation Register of Historic Places. No further archaeological investigations are recommended for the proposed Stanton Springs Parkway.