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Phase 1 Cultural Resources Survey for the Proposed Baker's Place 115kV Transmission Tap Line and Substation, Columbia County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive Phase I cultural resources survey of the proposed Baker's Place 115 kV Transmission Tap Line and Substation in January 2005 in Columbia County, Georgia. These investigations were conducted for Georgia Power, in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), by personnel qualified under 36 CFR Part 61. The project included a 3.07 mile-long corridor and a 3.65 acre tract. The project corridor is approximately 50 ft wide with a centerline located along the existing distribution lines. The proposed transmission line corridor and proposed substation tract are the areas of potential effect (APE) for archaeological resources. The APE for architectural resources consists of the proposed corridor, proposed substation tract, and viewshed. Background research conducted at the Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF) at the University of Georgia, Athens, found no previously recorded archaeological resources within the vicinity of the project corridor and tract. Research conducted at the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division (HPD) in Atlanta found five previously recorded architectural resources within a 0.8 km (0.5 mi) radius of the project corridor and tract. Survey forms on file at HPD did not provide NRHP recommendations for these resources. Phase I archaeological resources survey consisted of screened shovel tests at 30 meter (100 ft) intervals and an investigation of all standing potential architectural resources. A visual inspection of all exposed ground surfaces was also conducted. No archaeological sites were identified within the proposed transmission line corridor. Therefore, archaeological resources clearance is recommended. Phase I architectural resources investigation consisted of visual reconnaissance of all potentially historic resources (e.g., buildings, structures, objects over 50 years of age) within the project APE. Background research identified two previously recorded resources (CB-179 and CB99) within the project area. Field survey identified six additional resources 50 years of age or older in the project area, two of which are associated with Resource CB- 179. The four resources that were not previously identified or associated with a previously identified property are GA-073-00 1, GA073-002, GA-073-003, and GA-073-004. Of the resources evaluated during field survey, we recommend one, CB-179 (the Magruder property), eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). We also recommend one property, CB-99, potentially eligible for the NRHP. We recommend the remaining four properties not eligible for the NRHP.