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Archeological Survey of Proposed Road Improvements to Old Hull Road, Clarke County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Southeastern Archeological Services conducted a Phase I archeological survey of two sections of Old Hull Road that total 4.0 km. This survey discovered two archeological sites, 9CA 147 and 9CA148. Both are highly disturbed remnants of twentieth century houses, although we are not altogether sure that a house stood at 9CA148. Because of poor integrity and lack of research potential, we believe the sites are unlikely to yield important information on the history of the area. Neither is associated with persons or events important in local or state history. We recommend that 9CA 147 and 9CA 148 are ineligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, and that no further work is needed. We also investigated a known cemetery that lies next to Old Hull Road, the Junkins Cemetery. The nearest edge of the ten-grave cemetery is 61 ft (18.5 m) from the centerline of Old Hull Road, and thus beyond the project boundary of 50 ft. The closest grave within the cemetery is 74 ft (22.5 m) from the centerline. If the project stays within existing right-of-way here and does not extend beyond the 50 ft project corridor width, it will have no effect on the cemetery. Nevertheless, we recommend that project designers be made aware of this cemetery so that they can ensure that there will be no inadvertent disturbance or encroachment upon it.In regard to archeological resources, with the above recommendations in mind, we recommend that the project be given clearance to proceed.