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An Archaeological Assessment for the Proposed Intersection Improvements at SR3/US19 @ SR202/CR247, Thomas County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This GDOT Archaeological Report Short Form for Negative Findings entitled An Archaeological Assessment for the Proposed Intersection Improvements at SR 3 / US 19 @ SR 202 / CR 247, Thomas County, Georgia was conducted in November 2005 by PBS&J. SR 202 and CR 247 (County Line Road) will be widened 6 feet symmetrically to provide for left turn lanes on both approaches. The grassed median on SR 3 will be changed to a Type B median at the intersection. A stop and go traffic signal will be installed at the intersection. Crosswalks will accommodate pedestrian movements. The APE is a geographic area within which an undertaking may cause changes to the historic character or use of a historic property (36 CFR, Part 800.16(d)). The Area of Potential Effect (APE) for this project is defined as the area immediately adjacent to intersection improvements. No additional right-of-way is anticipated for the completion of this project. The project area is located in the Tifton-Alapaha soil association. This association is typical of ridgetops and hillsides dissected by intermittent drainages. The project area is within an area of well-drained Faceville loamy sand which is associated with ridgetops and hilltops of the Coastal Plain (USDA 1979). The subject intersection is situated between two hilltops on a narrow ridge at approximately 235 feet AMSL. Two small ponds are located to the north and south. The east-west trending Big Branch drainage is approximately 2000 feet to the north-northwest and another unnamed intermittent drainage is located approximately 1000 feet to the south-southeast. Improvements at the subject intersection include a gas station/convenience store in the south quadrant, a church in the eastern quadrant, vacant land in the northern quadrant, and the remains of what appears to have been another commercial establishment in the western quadrant. The right-of-way is grassed with open ditch drainage along the APE. In addition to the paved travel lanes, the right-of-way in the APE exhibited significant amount of erosion. Sterile subsoil and iron rock were observed along the backslopes in the APE. Underground utilities were also noted in front of the church. The survey methodology included a thorough visual examination of the surface exposures on the back slopes along the entire length of the defined project area. Representative photographs documenting existing disturbances and the eroded nature of the back slopes were taken and are included as attachments to this report One archaeological site has been recorded within 1 mile of the APE. In September 1982, GDOT Staff Archaeologist W. R. Bowen recorded 9TH21 approximately 1 mile north northwest of the subject intersection. Bowen recovered white ware, a china doll arm, and a chert flake. No surveys have been conducted within 1 mile of the subject intersection. Ref: Soil Survey of Brooks and Thomas County, Georgia, USDA (1979)