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Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Improvements at the Intersection of Due West Road and SR 92, Paulding County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The GDOT Archaeological Report Short Form for Negative Findings, Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Improvements at the Intersection of Due West Road and SR 92, Paulding County, Georgia, was conducted under URS Corporation in December of 2005. The proposed project would consist of the addition of exclusive right turn lanes on Due West Road at its two intersections with SR92 (see attached location map). In addition, a traffic signal would be installed at the intersection of Due West Road, Due West Street, and SR92. Proposed improvements would also include flattening the road gradient in order to increase sight distance. Existing right-of-way varies from 80 to 100 feet. Proposed right-of-way would vary from 100 to 120 feet. The proposed project corridor would be approximately 1500 feet long. With regard to potential archaeological deposits, the APE is confined to the proposed ROW needed to effect proposed improvements. The study area traverses a ridge finger and terminates near the top of a winding, dissected ridge that trends northwest-to-southeast. Vegetation within the study area consists mainly of grasses and trees typical of a residential/community setting. Some lots have been overtaken by successional vegetation. Disturbances related to road construction and residential/community development were noted within the study area. These include cutting, filling, grading, paving, and landscaping, as well as utilities emplacement. The study area was examined completely through a combination of systematic and opportunistic shovel testing, and visual inspection. Site file research conducted on behalf of URS Corporation by staff of the Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF) revealed two previously recorded sites within one mile of the study area. These consist of 9PA 18 (Rumbolt Site), an Early and Middle Woodland artifact scatter; and 9PA21 (Palmer-Mangum Site), an Early Woodland artifact scatter. No eligibility recommendation is given for these sites. Neither lies within or near the project area. Staff of the GASF also examined survey reports housed at that facility. There are no previous archaeological surveys mapped within a one-mile radius of the project area.