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An Archaeological Survey of the Proposed City of Calhoun Raw Water Intake Project Calhoun, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

An archaeological survey was conducted for a proposed raw water intake facility located east of the City of Calhoun in Gordon County, Georgia on December 8, 1980. This project was executed through contractual agreements between Soil Systems, Inc., Earth Systems Division, and Sweitzer and Peoples, Inc. of Atlanta, Georgia. The survey was conducted for fulfillment of the A-95 review and the National Register of Historic Places in accordance with standards acceptable to the appropriate federal and State of Georgia review agencies. Both pedestrian controlled surface collecting and subsurface investigative techniques were employed during the 2500-foot waterline corridor Survey. These efforts located five archaeological sites and two isolated finds, two of the sites and one of the isolated finds were located within the project property. Because of the severe disturbance of both sites, due to natural processes of soil erosion and the clearing and grading of the right of-way, full cultural clearance is recommended for Gordon County's raw water intake facility.