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GDOT Project BRZLB-71(27), Colquitt County, P.I. #471450

Report Number
Year of Publication

GDOT Project BRZLB-71(27) in Colquitt County. The proposed project originally consisted of the replacement and realignment of two bridges on County Road 4/Wilbur Murphy Road in Colquitt County. Neither bridge was determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. The existing 84' x 19'7" bridge located over Little Creek would be replaced by a quadruple 9' x 9' culvert. The existing roadway would be realigned in conjunction with the bridge replacements. The proposed typical section would consist of two 12' asphalt lanes with 8' rural shoulders. The existing right-of-way is 30' to 50'. A maximum of 120' of additional right-of-way would be required for a total of 150' on County Road 4/Wilbur Murphy Road. An additional 30-35' of right-of-way on both sides of the roadway on county Road 848/Suber Road would be required for a total of 100' of proposed right-of-way to complete the paved tie-in to County Road 4/Wilbur Murphy Road. Total length of the project is 0.85 mile. In August 2003, the project was revised from a 9' x 6' concrete box culvert to a 160' x 28' bridge over the Little Creek overflow. The project length was revised to 0.757 mile with no right-of-way required on County Road 848/Suber Road. Because no resources had been previously identified in this area in the Finding of No Historic Properties Affected dated February 2001, a memo to file was prepared stating that the original documentation was still valid. Since that time, it was determined that right-of-way would be shortened 268.03' on the west end of the proposed project and reduced to 80' on the east end of the proposed project. In addition, a small amount of right-of-way would be required on County Road 848/Suber Road. Total length of the project is 0.707 mile. Because no resources had been previously identified in the Finding of No Historic Properties Affected dated February 2001, the original documentation is still valid, and no further documentation under Section 106 is required.