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Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Hiram Park and Ride Project Area, Paulding County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In November 2006, Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc. (EPEI) conducted a Phase I archaeological survey of the proposed Hiram Park and Ride project area in Paulding County, Georgia. The project involves the development of an approximately seven acre tract in a commercial area along US 278 at Metromont Road, and is bounded by a movie theater, restaurants, and a bank. The goal of the survey was to locate and evaluate archaeological sites within the Area of Potential Effects (APE) of the proposed undertaking, so that potential effects to any resources identified could be evaluated in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The project was conducted under a contract with the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority. A review of the state site files at the University of Georgia in Athens showed that no previously identified archaeological sites had been reported in the project APR or within a one mile radius. No archaeological sites were identified during the survey. Based on the results of the survey, EPEI recommends that no further archaeological work be undertaken at this location. Clearance for construction within the APE as currently defined is recommended.