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Second Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of Virginia Avenue Streetscape Imporvements Project Area, Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Original Project Description: The proposed project would encompass such streetscape improvements as sidewalks and crossing demarcation, landscaped medians, pedestrian-scale lighting, street trees, benches, trash receptacles and bicycle racks. The scope of the project would be the four-lane section of Virginia Avenue, beginning at the western city limits of East Point and traveling east to Doug Davis Drive, the terminus of the four-lane section. These improvements would serve an office and hospitality district and a developing mixed-use district. Importantly, the Virginia Avenue Corridor is the primary gateway for visitors to Hapeville. Virginia Avenue serves as an important gateway to East Point and College Park, each of which is coordinating their own improvements to the corridor. Changes: 0.04 acre of required ROW is now needed, as is 0.16 acre of temporary easement and 0.1 acre of permanent easement. The APE for the project includes everything within the proposed construction project length and within the maximum extent of the existing and required ROW as described above. Permanent and temporary construction easements are included.