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Phase I Archaeological Survey of SR 17/SR 75 over the Hiawassee River Bridge Replacement, Towns County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project Location and Area of Potential Effect

County(ies): Towns, GA

USGS Quadrangle(s): Tray Mountain

Project Description: Project BRST-0000-00(301), Towns County, would replace the structurally deficient bridge on State Route (SR) 17/SR 75 over the Hiawassee River, 6.5 miles south of Hiawassee, Georgia. The total project length would be approximately 2,410 feet (0.46 mile). The proposed bridge would be constructed on new alignment approximately 70 feet, centerline to centerline, west of the existing bridge alignment. Traffic would be maintained on the existing bridge during construction of the proposed bridge. The proposed bridge would be approximately 110 feet long and 44 feet wide. The bridge would include two 12-foot travel lanes and 10-foot shoulders. The roadway approaches would consist of two 12-foot travel lanes and 10-foot shoulders, two feet of which would be paved. Additional right-of-way, up to 70 feet in width, would be required for a total right-of-way width of approximately 170 feet.