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Archaeological Survey of the Peanut Corporation of America Tract, Early County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Archaeological survey of the Peanut Corporation of America Tract, Early County, Georgia. The Peanut Corporation of America wishes to expand their processing facility on the northeastern outskirts of Blakely, in Early County. In anticipation of receiving Federal development funds and to comply with funding requirements, the City of Blakely requested that Southeastern Archeological Services conduct an intensive survey of cultural resources (archeological sites). A review of the Georgia Archaeological Site Files showed no sites had been recorded in the project area, but that a few prehistoric sites were recorded nearby. Early to mid-twentieth century maps and aerial photographs showed no structures within or adjacent to the project area.

The area of potential effect was defined as the entire 11-acre lot, even though not all of it will be affected. The lot was archeologically surveyed on March 14, 2007. Shovel testing and surface collection revealed one archeological site, a sparse scatter of prehistoric chipped stone artifacts recorded as site 9ER280. Due to the lack of diagnostic artifacts recovered from the site, its generally low artifact density, and its lack of distinction among chipped stone artifact scatters, the site lacks significant archeological deposits that would warrant further research. For this reason, we recommend the site is not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Therefore, we conclude that the proposed undertaking will not cause adverse effects to significant archeological resources. We recommend that the project be allowed to proceed as planned.