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Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Widening of SR 119/Airport Road, Between US 84 and SR 196, Liberty County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This project corridor begins at the intersection of SR 119 and US Highway 84 in Walthourville (Liberty County), Georgia and extends north along SR 119 to its intersection with SR 196 (Figures 1 and 2).The proposed project consists of widening the existing two lane facility to a four lane divided highway with a 24 foot raised median on a proposed right-of-way that varies from 160 to 200 feet. The existing right-of-way for the State Route 119 corridor is 100 feet. The APE for archaeology is defined as the length and width of the project corridor. The APE for this project is approximately 3.25 miles long and varies from 160 to 200 feet wide, including the existing 100 foot SR 119 right-of-way. Expected project effects include removal of existing paving materials, cutting, filling, and other general ground disturbance.