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An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Recreation Park Area, Thomson City-McDuffie County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report summarizes the results of an archaeological and historical survey related to a proposed recreation park for the city of Thomson and McDuffie County, Georgia (Fig. 1). The proposed park is a 60-acre area located approximately 1.7 kilometers south of Thomson city. Dr. Paul R. Fish, Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia, served as principal investigator for the project. The field survey was conducted by University of Georgia archaeologist Dr. Chung Ho Lee. Fieldwork was accomplished on August 19 and 20, 1977. The actual field inspection of the proposed recreation park site required 2 man/days. Background research and report preparation required an additional 2 man/days. The primary purpose of this report is to provide information concerning: 1) A map location and description of all archaeological and historical sites located within the proposed recreation park area; 2) The determination of level of significance for identified archaeological and historical sites and recommendation concerning eligibility of identified sites to the National Register of Historic Places; 3) An evaluation of the potential effect of proposed park construction on identified cultural remains; and 4) If necessary, the formulation of a research design to structure future investigation to alleviate adverse impacts of the proposed park project.