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An Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Excavation and Drainage Improvements, Phase II, Pipemakers Canal, Chatham County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This project was conducted for the Chatham County Engineering Department which proposes to widen the Pipemakers Canal in order to improve drainage in northern Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. This project is the second phase of three planned phases of improvements. Phase II includes the middle section of Pipemakers Canal from 1-95 east to 520m. (1700ft.) east of Augusta Road/Highway 21. The tract consists of a linear 10.1km. (6.3 miles) long tract with a width of 53m. (175 ft.). The survey also included 400m (1,312ft.) for a new access road. One segment of the canal will be realigned to the south to allow for greater clearance for a runway at the Savannah/ Hilton Head International Airport. The location of the realignment measures 1.2km. (4,000ft) and was surveyed during the current project. Fieldwork for the project survey was conducted on January 14, 23, and 25, 2007 and supervised by Daniel Battle. Daphne Owens Battle served as the principal investigator for the project. During the survey, no archaeological sites were identified.