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An Archaeological Survey of 76 ha. (193 Acres) Kahn Mitigation Site, Chatham County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Kahn Mitigation Site (KMS) is located within the floodplain of the prior converted intermittent stream, presently known as the Pipemakers Canal and covers 193acres. Approximately 127.86 acres of wetland will be restored or enhanced and 19.49 acres of upland buffer will surround one quarter of the system. The tract runs adjacent to the Pipemakers Canal for nearly one mile and would connect to other large wetland systems running along the course of Pipemakers Canal. Prior to human disturbance, the area was classified as seasonally and/or temporarily flooded. The area has been significantly impacted by stream channelization, ditching, and clearing of adjacent forested wetlands. Chatham County plans to restore the wetlands on the tract in order to mitigate the effects to wetlands during the widening of Pipemakers Canal. The present survey was conducted in order to determine if any archaeological sites are present on the tract that will require management during the wetland restoration project. Fieldwork for the project survey was conducted on December 30-January 3 and January 12-13, 2007 under the direction of Daniel Battle. Daphne Owens Battle served as the principal investigator for the project. The survey involved surface investigations, shovel testing, metal detecting (Nautilus DMCII), and mapping with a Garmin 60CSx GPSmap unit in order to locate any cultural material in the project area.