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Archeological Survey and Site Testing of the Proposed Replacement of the S.R. 53 Bridge over Salacoa Creek, Gordon County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Georgia Department of Transportation wishes to replace the structurally deficient bridge on State Route 53 at Salacoa Creek, which is located immediately west of Fairmount in southeastern Gordon County. A new bridge was planned to be built just to the north of the existing one and the approaching lengths of highway were to be realigned to accommodate the new bridge. Project width during this early design stage was 200 ft, with about three-quarters of this width on the north side of the existing highway. Project width tapered to existing right-of-way at the two termini. Total project length was about 1 mile. In late April and early May of 2006, Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc. conducted an intensive, Phase I archeological survey of the area of potential effect to insure compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended). Since there was very little surface exposure, survey relied on shovel testing to locate and define sites. The primary goals of the survey were to determine if any archeological sites exist in the area of potential effect for the project (the proposed construction corridor), and if so, to determine whether they are significant in terms of eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places. We conclude that as presently designed, the project will not adversely affect archeological sites eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.