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Archaeological Survey of the Newnan Bypass Corridor, Coweta County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In October 1999, Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted an archaeological survey of a 2.9 kilometer (1.8 miles) new location segment of the proposed Newnan Bypass corridor in Coweta County, Georgia. Our objective was to determine if any significant archaeological sites (i.e., eligible for the National Register of Historic Places [NRHP]) will be affected by construction of this portion of the Newnan Bypass. Background research consisted of reviewing records at the Georgia Archaeological Site Files at the University of Georgia in Athens to determine if previously recorded archaeological sites are located in the vicinity of the project corridor. Files at the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division (HPD) in Atlanta were also reviewed to identify any archaeological resources near the project area which are eligible or listed on the NRHP. Several archaeological sites were identified south of the project area, but no archaeological sites were identified within the area of potential effect (APE) of the proposed segment of the Newnan Bypass corridor. Field investigations consisted of pedestrian coverage of the entire length of the project corridor. Two parallel transects were walked on either side of the center line. Site location methods consisted of examination of the ground surface in areas with surface exposure and excavation of screened shovel tests at 30 meter intervals. Background research and field investigations identified no archaeological resources within the project corridor. Based on these results, we recommend clearance be given to proceed with construction of this segment of the Newnan Bypass corridor.