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An Intensive Cultural Resource Assessment Survey for the Expansion of the Crisp County Landfill Crisp County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During late October and early November 1999, an intensive cultural resource assessment survey was conducted by Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) of a 200-acre tract associated with the planned expansion of the Crisp County Landfill. The survey included a pedestrian inspection of the project area combined with systematic shovel testing at 30 meter intervals, with reduced interval testing to bound and evaluate sites. Fieldwork resulted in the discovery of 12 new archaeological sites and 2 isolated finds within the project area. Intensive testing demonstrated that none of the sites is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places due to a lack of significant subsurface deposits resulting from a high degree of disturbance from silvicultural plowing, clear cutting, and soil erosion. Additional investigation or preservation of these sites is not warranted, and it is recommended that the proposed project be allowed to proceed.