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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed 10,000-Foot Monroe Waterline, Walton County, Georgia

Report Number
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TRC Garrow Associates, Inc., performed a cultural resources survey for the proposed 50-x-10,000-foot Monroe waterline in Walton County, Georgia. The project corridor follows the eastern side of Beaver Dam Creek, and is characterized by side slopes and creek floodplains. Evidence of severe erosion was observed throughout the project tract. The background research and field survey were conducted in September 1999 by TRC Garrow Associates, Inc. Background research determined that no previously recorded archaeological sites occur in the project corridor. No properties that are listed or pending listing for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) are located within a 1-mile radius of the project tract. Five previously recorded archaeological sites do occur within a 1-mile radius of the project corridor. A review of the Walton County architectural survey files indicated that a 1977 survey identified two architectural resources within a 1-mile radius of the project tract (Stupich 1977). Neither of these architectural resources has been evaluated as to eligibility for the NRHP. A combined pedestrian and subsurface testing program was applied to the entire project corridor as part of the cultural resources survey. No archaeological sites were identified in the project corridor. The two architectural resources identified by Stupich (1977) will not be impacted by the current project. Cultural resources clearance to construct is recommended.