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Pughes Creek (GASS 5100-026/993496)

Report Number
Year of Publication

The project scope involves the construction of a 300' lattice telecommunications tower located on the north side of Bush Road, adjacent to and north of Interstate 16. The 100' X 100' lease area is located on a parent parcel that consists of approximately 54 acres of raw, wooded land. The clearing of trees and some soil grading is expected to occur during the construction of the tower. No significant commercial or industrial development was noted in the immediate vicinity. Much of the surrounding area was undeveloped with a few scattered residential improvements along Bush Road and Highway 199. On August 2, 1999, a PIES representative performed an area reconnaissance for sites and structures possibly bearing historical and archeological significance within a two mile radius of the subject site. Sites observed during the survey are keyed by letters and are indicated on the attached photocopy of the topographic map of Minter, GA. Several residential improvements observed on Bush Road and Highway 199 consisted of manufactured homes and did not seem to be of any historical or archeological importance.