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Management Summary Describing Archaeological Investigations of Proposed Little Rock Impoundment Rehabilitation Project, Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge, Jones County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes to rehabilitate an existing series of dikes on Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge in Jones County. I am submitting this management summary which describes archaeological investigations to facilitate your office's review and comment, as per Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. A technical report detailing the investigations and results is in preparation and will be forwarded to your office upon completion. The archaeological investigations, briefly described below, were conducted March 6-8, March 14, May 20-21, June 22-25, and December 14-15, 1999. Completed site forms have been submitted to the State Site Files at the University of Georgia in Athens. The assigned numbers will replace the temporary field numbers in the final report. The Refuge proposes to rehabilitate the Little Rock Impoundment in Jones County (Map 1). The dikes, impoundment and Moist Soil Units (MSUs) were built by the Refuge during the early 1960s using on-site soils. Dike Nos. 1 and 2 manage the flow of an intermittent stream that drains into Falling Creek. The borrow areas used in the 1960s have become ponds and are clearly visible on Map 1. The Lower MSUs and their perimeter dikes were created by mechanically scraping the units' interiors.