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Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Clarksboro 230 kV Substation, Jackson County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report presents the results of an intensive archeological survey performed by Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc. in southern Jackson County, where the Georgia Transmission Corporation wishes to construct the 230 kV Clarksboro substation. The goal of the survey was to locate and evaluate any archeological resources that may be adversely affected by the construction of the substation. The survey was undertaken in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. Since the precise location of the substation had not been determined, the area of potential effect for the project consisted of a nearly rectangular tract of land bounded by existing transmission lines on the north and east, Holiday Cemetery Road on the west and an arbitrary boundary to the south. The tract is about 5.7 ha (14.2 ac) in size. It is wooded, hilly and contains a short length of Redstone creek. Archival research showed that no archeological sites were recorded in or adjacent to the project area and no historic period houses or features were known. The tract was surface inspected and shovel tested on July 26 and 27, and no sites were discovered. Since no archeological resources exist on the tract, we conclude that the proposed construction of the Clarksboro 230 kV substation will have no effect to significant archeological resources and should be granted clearance to proceed.