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Dekalb Sidewalk Project: Flat Shoals Road, Henderson Road, and Salem Road

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project CSSTP-000-00(268) proposes to construct five foot sidewalks with two foot grass strips, along with curb and gutter strips to fill in the voids between existing segments of sidewalks to provide continuous ADA accessible pathways within the existing right-of-way along Flat Shoals Road from the intersection of 2nd Avenue to the intersection of Candler Road; Henderson Road, from the intersection of Henderson Mill Road to the intersection of La Vista Road; and at Salem Road from the intersection of Panola Road to Fannin Drive. The length of the entire project corridor is 5.3 miles, with the individual road segments as follows; along Flat Shoals 2.7 miles, Henderson Road 2.0 miles, and .6 mile along Salem Road. The APE is limited to the existing right-of-way in which all construction and ground disturbing activity would be confined. The width of the right of way varies from 37' to 72' on Flat Shoals Road, Henderson Road varies from 60' to 75' and Salem Road 70' to 85'.