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Supplemental Data Provided in Response to Agency Review Comments for the Powell Tract Survey, Performed in Camden County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) performed Phase I survey of the Powell Tract property during December 2006 (Figure 1). The report was submitted for agency review to the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division. ESI received comments from the US Army Corps of Engineers, and this addendum report aims to provide the requested information in order for the agents to complete their review and make a determination of eligibility and effect. Specifically, the agency requests included: 1. submission of the underwater archaeology report; 2. archival and map research to determine 'the history and significance of the structures reported in the southwestern part of the property, and to identify the former locations of other historic features, such as roads, landings, wharves, and buildings that were associated with historic use; 3. a plan map of the historic structure; and 4. additional archaeological survey in areas where archival research indicates the potential for the identification of historic features. The underwater archaeological report was submitted to the US Army Corps of Engineers on August 14, 2007, thus the body of this addendum report will focus on addressing the other three items of concern.