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Cultural Resource Survey for the Proposed Sancturary on Sinclair Development, Hancock County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

SOS Development contracted TRC to conduct a cultural resource survey of a proposed residential development on Lake Sinclair in Hancock County, Georgia. This work was carried out to assist SOS Development comply with Section 106 of the National Preservation Act, as amended. The archaeological and historic architectural surveys were carried out between June 16 and June 19, 2007. As a result of the survey 23 archaeological sites and one isolated-find were recorded. Six of the archaeological sites are recommended potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). If these six sites cannot be avoided, TRC recommends archaeological test excavations to assess their eligibility. One historic resource was identified in the project's Area of Potential Effects. Although this property borders the project tract, the structures associated with it will experience no visual effects from the proposed undertaking. Because the project will create only visual effects for peripheral land on the former plantation, TRC recommends that there will be no adverse effect to the historic resource. If project design is tailored to retain a vegetative buffer along the eastern property line that is at least 50 feet wide, TRC recommends that the project will have no effect on the resource. Please note that if the NRHP boundaries of the plantation actually extend into the project area, as shown in the USGS quadrangle accompanying the NRHP nomination-which TRC believes to be inaccurate-it will be necessary to consult with the State Historic Preservation Office on whether the proposed undertaking will pose adverse effects for the resource.