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Archaeological Survey of the Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Site, Miller County, GA

Report Number
Year of Publication

New South Associates archaeologically surveyed 1,685 acres of wetlands, floodplain, and slope divided among three tracts within the Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Site from November 2005 through February 2006 for the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). The survey tract is located within Miller County, Georgia, slightly northwest of Colquitt. The three tracts comprising the Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Site will expand the present acreage of the Mayhaw Wildlife Management Area. The Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Site is intended for use by GDOT for the creation and restoration of wetland environments to mitigate the loss of other wetlands during road construction. The archaeological study focused on furthering knowledge of landscape utilization through background research, shovel test pit survey, and limited test excavations. This report includes environmental and cultural backgrounds, descriptions of 34 discovered archaeological sites and 35 discovered isolated finds, and discussion of project specific and regional trends. Nine of the 34 archaeological sites are recommended potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Considering the research potential of other sites, New South Associates recommends additional archaeological testing to make formal Determinations of Eligibility of site showing intact deposits within the site complex if avoidance is not possible during planned activities by the GDOT.