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Phase I and II Archaeological Survey Sculls Creek Bridge Replacement CR 200/Old Savannah Road at Sculls Creek Jenkins County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Phase I archaeological survey was conducted in March of 2007 within the Area of Potential Effects (APE) associated with the replacement of the bridge carrying traffic on Old Savannah Road (County Road 200) over Sculls Creek in Jenkins County, Georgia. During the course of the survey two archaeological sites were identified, both of which were recommended for Phase II archaeological investigations. Both sites occupy a Pleistocene coastal terrace that has been dissected by Sculls Creek. Phase II investigations at one site consisted of a total of 32 STPs and 2 Test Units. The evidence indicates that plowing and logging activities have truncated the Aphorizon or mixed the Ap-horizon with the underlying Ab-horizon. Other disturbances included a linear depression associated with a former bridge spanning Sculls Creek. Stratigraphy in this area did not contain in-situ prehistoric artifacts. Although the site was delineated within the APE, the horizontal extent of the site beyond the APE remains unknown. The low artifact density and the degree of disturbance suggest that further excavation would not yield important information pertaining to life ways and subsistence strategies. Therefore the portion of the site within the APE does not contribute to the site's overall eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.