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Archaeological Assessment of 45 Acres within Poteete Creek Campground on Nottely Reservoir, Union County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On April 2-3, 2008 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Cultural Resources staff conducted an archaeological survey of a 45-acre tract of Tennessee Valley Authority land on Nottely Reservoir in Union County, Georgia. The 45-acre tract is considered to be the area of potential effect (APE) and partially consists of the existing Poteete Campground under license to Union County. Poteete Campground proposes to expand into undeveloped portions of tract although no detailed plans have been submitted. Since a reconnaissance level survey was previously conducted and archaeological sites had been identified within the tract (Hubbert 1981), TVA Cultural Resources felt that an intensive level archaeological survey was warranted before further work was permitted. Background research indicated that two archaeological sites were previously recorded within the APE. Both sites were recommended ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places (Thomas et al. 2006). As a result of the survey, one site was relocated along the eroded shoreline and shovel tests indicate that it does not extend above the shoreline. No further archaeological work is recommended. The other site could not be relocated by shovel testing or surface inspection and was likely destroyed during the construction of the campground. No new archaeological sites were identified during the survey. TVA recommends no further archaeological work regarding the proposed expansion.