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Supplemental Data Provided in Reponse to Agency Review, Comments for the Dean Island Survery and Limited Site Testing Project, Glynn County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) performed a Phase I survey of the Dean Island Tract between December 2005 and January 2006. The report was submitted for agency review to the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division. ESI received comments from these review agents, and this addendum report is intended to provide the requested information for the agents to complete their review and make a determination of eligibility and effect. Specifically, the agencies requested the following information: Additional archival research concerning three sites as well as additional information on the Myers Cemetery located adjacent to the development tract. Information on all structures adjacent to the proposed development or within close proximity. Additional controlled excavation at two sites. An evaluation of the NRHP eligibility of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad and associated bridges located within the eastern portion of the subject parcel. This addendum report addresses each of the above concerns. Additional excavation and/or archival research at three sites supported the original recommendation that these sites do not exhibit the types of qualities that would make them eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. An evaluation of standing historic structures within the property's Area of Potential Effect revealed that no structures or communities eligible for National Register listing will be affected by the proposed undertaking. Finally, this follow up work provides documentation of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad and associated bridges and comments on the age of its construct.