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An Intensive Archaeological Assessment of the Otis Redding Loop Portion of the Ocmulgee Heritage Trail Additions/Improvements, Macon, Bibb County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project is an addition to the existing Ocmulgee Heritage Trail (OHT) and is part of a larger section of trail that will eventually extend south between 1-16 and the Ocmulgee River to Walnut Creek, where it can connect to existing trails of the Ocmulgee National Monument (see attached location map). This first phase is on public property with easements granted from the Macon Water Authority and Georgia Power Company. The trail is to connect to the existing OHT along the river on the north side of the Otis Redding Bridge. The proposed trail will travel south under the bridge and then "loop" up to the existing street level sidewalk at the eastern limits of the Otis Redding Bridge. The trail will follow a maximum 5% grade. The main trail material will be concrete, 8-10 feet wide, and match the detail of the existing OHT. A continuation of light poles matching the existing lighting on the OHT is expected in this phase. The riverbank will not be graded within the 25 Foot Stream Bank Buffer of the Ocmulgee River. All disturbed areas will be vegetated with drought tolerant grass and ornamental plant species. Existing storm piping will be extended under the trail to a stabilized existing riprap bank. The "loop" trail will be 8-10 feet wide concrete and will circle up to street level of the bridge and meet accessible sidewalk.