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Adden. To Ph. I Arch. Surv. of SR 133 (now SR 234) over the GA/FL Railnet, Dougherty County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Due to more detailed design plans, the following changes have been made: The project limits have been extended approximately 1,039 feet to the west and approximately 959 feet to the east along SR 234. The total project length has increased from approximately 2,016 feet to 4,014 feet. This increase in project length is to allow for milling and inlaying of the existing pavement surface. This activity will only involve areas within the existing pavement area. No additional right-of-way or easement or ground disturbing activities would be required. The existing trees on the historic Kaupp property and within the existing right-of-way would be flagged and surrounded by an orange barrier fence in order to delineate the trees as an environmentally sensitive area. The project number has been changed to BRSTO-0093-01(044) and the route number has changed from SR 133 to SR 234. Changes to the project description include the following: The proposed southern bridge on SR 234/Moultrie Road over the Georgia & Florida Railway will be 175 feet long, not 170 feet as previously proposed. The proposed retaining wall will be approximately 535 feet in length (previously 288 feet in length) and not to exceed 18 feet in height (previously not to exceed 10 feet in height). The proposed SR 234/Moultrie Road would contain four 12-foot travel lanes with a Median Barrier Wall separating the opposing traffic. Previously, the travel lanes would have been separated by a flush median. Additional right-of-way would not be needed for implementation of the proposed project. However, approximately 830 square feet (0.019 acre) of temporary easement for the construction of a driveway and approximately 8,263 square feet (0.190 acre) of permanent easement would be required for the construction and maintenance of slopes. Previously, approximately 1,450 sq. feet (0.033 ac.) of temporary easement was proposed; and approximately 1,184 sq. feet (0.027 ac.) of permanent easement was proposed. Therefore, the total area of driveway easement reduced by approximately 620 sq. feet; and the total area of easement required for the construction and maintenance of slopes increased by approximately 7,079 sq. feet (0.16 ac.).