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Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Old Jesup Road Improvements, Glynn County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During March 2008, Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc. (EPEI) conducted a Phase I archaeological survey of the proposed location for the Old Jesup Road Improvements project corridor. The project consists of widening and reconstruction along Old Jesup Road from the intersection of State Route (SR) 27/United States (US) 25/US 341 to County Route 589/Cate Road, for a length of approximately 2.88 miles in Glynn County, Georgia. The existing right-ofway (ROW) varies from 50-70 feet. The proposed ROW would vary from 102-130 feet. The goal of the survey was to locate and evaluate archaeological sites within the Area of Potential Effect (APE) of the proposed undertaking, so that potential effects to any resources identified could be evaluated in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The project was conducted under a contract with Thompson Engineering, Inc.