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Technical Memorandum for Record of No Archaeological Findings; Phase I Archaeological Resource Survey of the Little Sandy Creek 2 &3 Mitigation Bank, Butts County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Register-Nelson Environmental Services, Inc. proposes to conduct riparian, upland, and general stream restoration and preservation along sections of Little Sandy Creek in Butts County, Georgia Figures 1 through 5). The proposed stream bank mitigation at Little Sandy Creek would comprise riparian zones of roughly 45 total acres (18.2 hectares), wherein moderate earthmoving and soil disruption will occur within 100 to 150 feet from the edge of the proposed banks. These areas are the defined Area of Potential Effects (APE) for this project. The proposed activities would generate stream mitigation credits to satisfy the required compensatory mitigation needed to offset stream impacts in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The Little Sandy Creek 2 & 3 project areas comprise 11 riparian zones surrounding sections of Little Sandy Creek labeled A-L (Figure 6). These zones, and Little Sandy Creek itself, are located within the southern portion of Butts County, a few miles north Monroe County, 3 miles south-southeast of Flovilla and 1 mile due east of Sandy, Georgia. The USGS 7.5" series map (Berner, Ga. 1981) of the riparian zones show marked undulating terrain characterizing the general topography. Little Sandy Creek generally follows the lowest points of the terrain throughout this area.