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I-75 Widening and Reconstruction at CR 240/Old Coffee Road and CR216/Quitman Road Interchanges Cook County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In April of 2008, KCI Technologies conducted a Phase I archaeological survey in conjunction with the 1-75 widening and reconstruction project in Cook County, Georgia. The project involves modification to the CR 240/Old Coffee Road and the CR 216/Quitman Road interchanges, and improvements to associated approach roadways. The archaeological survey resulted in the identification of one prehistoric site. The site is partially within the Area of Potential Effects (APE) associated with the CR 216/Quitman Road interchange. The site is located on a flat tract of land previously used for growing cotton but not currently tilled. The site was defined within the APE by 13 positive shovel tests, which produced a total of 15 flakes of Coastal Plain chert, and 1 chalcedony flake all recovered from the plowzone. Artifact density was low, ranging from 0-2 per shovel test. No tools or diagnostic artifacts were recovered. No features were identified. Although the site was delineated within the boundaries of the APE, the horizontal extent of the site outside of the APE remains unknown. Close-interval shovel testing around positive shovel tests failed to locate any diagnostic artifacts, concentration of artifacts, or prehistoric cultural features. Therefore, additional work within the APE is unlikely to yield significant information bearing on the prehistory of the region. Thus, the portion of the site within the APE does not contribute to the overall eligibility of the site for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). No further work is recommended.