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Cultural Resource Survey for the Proposed Potato Creek 2 Wetland Mitigation Bank, Lamar County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed Potato Creek 2 Wetland Mitigation Bank is located in Lamar County and covers about 115 acres (Figures i and 2). The proposed undertaking includes riparian/wetland preservation and restoration in accordance with the details laid out in the mitigation bank permit application. With regard to cultural resources, the only area wherein subsurface disturbance will occur is the zone of streambank and riparian restoration (compare Figures 1 and 2). Such disturbance includes earth-moving activity only at the streambank and potential vehicular impact in a zone surrounding it (identified as the riparian restoration zone). Thus the Area of Potential Effect (APE) was defined as consisting of the approximately 16 acres designated as the streambank/riparian restoration zones plus a 50 ft buffer around the stream channels (Figure 2). The APE covers parts of two southeasterly flowing unnamed drainages (labeled Streams 6 and 7) that empty into Potato Creek outside of the project area.