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Archaeological Survey of Project BRZLB-225(14), Spalding County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would consist of the replacement of the bridge on CR 125/Smoak Road over Troublesome Creek, approximately four miles southeast of Sunnyside in Spalding County. The existing road is unpaved with two 11-foot lanes and rural shoulders. The proposed road would consist of two 12foot lanes with 8-foot shoulders. The existing bridge is 80 feet long by 25.80 feet wide and would be replaced with a 40-foot-wide by 100-foot-long bridge, which would be located slightly to the east of the existing bridge structure, to eliminate a kink in the alignment at the north end of the bridge corridor. Existing right-of-way is 60 feet. Proposed right-of-way would be 100 feet. The length of the proposed project is 0.263 mile. An archeological survey consistent with these project specifications was performed within the project corridor.