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A Phase I Archaeological Assessment of the US319 / SR35 Intersection Improvements, Colquitt and Tift Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

An intensive Phase I archaeological assessment was recently conducted by PBS&J of the proposed intersection improvements along US 319, consisting of a total of 43 intersections within Colquitt and Tift counties. Many of the roads intersecting US 319 will require the addition of left and right turn lanes. Additionally, several of the intersection improvements will require the acquisition of additional right-of-way along US 319, and in some cases also along the intersecting roads to be used for turn lanes. The proposed improvements will also include a median at several points along US 319, guard rail installation and/or other minor additions. Five previously recorded archaeological sites are present within a one mile radius of the project corridor, based on a query of the Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF), however, no archaeological sites were recorded within the project boundaries or Area of Potential Effect (APE). Systematic shovel tests at 30-meter intervals were conducted along the right-of-way of US 319, including those areas where additional right-of-way acquisition is proposed. An intensive investigation of all exposed surfaces was also conducted and did not result in the identification of any new archaeological sites within the project area.