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An Intensive Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of the Turkey Creek Golf Course, Carroll and Haralson Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During November 1998, an intensive cultural resource assessment survey was conducted by Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) of a 240-acre tract in Carroll and Haralson Counties, Georgia. The goal was to locate, identify, delineate, and evaluate all cultural resources within the tract, including prehistoric and historic archaeological sites and historic structures. This study area is the proposed site of a golf course, and it consists of secondary growth, wooded uplands. The cultural resource assessment survey included a pedestrian inspection combined with systematic shovel testing at 30 and 15 meter intervals. The survey resulted in the discovery of six archaeological sites, and one isolated find (ISF-1); no structures occur within the project tract. Intensive shovel testing of four of these sites yielded no significant remains, and it is recommended that they do not warrant additional archaeological investigation. However, the prehistoric Central Creek site is judged eligible for listing in the National Register. If the site cannot be avoided, a data recovery strategy should be developed in consultation with the GASHPO. It is recommended that the development of all other areas of the tract except the Central Creek site be allowed to proceed without further concern for cultural resources.