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Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of Sandy Springs Circle Project Area, Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project limits have increased by approximately 267 feet (0.05 mile). The previous limits included approximately 1,762 feet along Sandy Springs Circle and 1,507 feet on Hammond Drive, for a total project length of approximately 3,269 feet (0.62 mile). Limits have been extended slightly to the south on Sandy Springs Circle through the intersection of Cliftwood Drive, and slightly west on Hammond Drive through the intersection of Sandy Springs Circle. Current project limits include approximately 1,800 feet on Sandy Springs Circle, and 1,736 on Hammond Drive, for a total project length of approximately 3,536 feet (0.67 mile). The amount of right-of-way and easement has changed. Previously, approximately 0.86 acre of temporary easement and 0.07 acre of permanent easement were required for construction. No additional right-of-way was required. The permanent easement has been converted to right-of-way, and additional right-of-way is also required. The amount of temporary easement has been reduced. The project would now require approximately 0.16 acre of right-of-way, and 0.74 acre of temporary easement. Right-of-way and easement would be acquired from asphalt parking areas and landscaped areas associated with commercial businesses along Sandy Plains Circle and Hammond Drive. Pedestrian design components have not changed. Sidewalk, paver, and shoulder widths would not change. Travel lanes would still be reduced by approximately one foot to allow for pedestrian improvements within existing right-of-way as much as possible. Gravity walls would still be used throughout the project to limit the amount of additional right-of-way and easement needed for construction.