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Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Sigman Rd. and East View Dr. Intersection Improvements Project

Report Number
Year of Publication

Description from December 21, 2006 PCE: The proposed project would extend approximately 480 feet north and approximately 570 feet south of the SR 20/Sigman Road and Eastview Road intersection on SR 20/Sigman Road. The proposed project would extend approximately 370 feet east and west of the SR 20/Sigman Road and Eastview Road intersection on Eastview Road. The total project length would be approximately 1,790 feet (approximately 0.34 mile). The existing SR 20/Sigman Road consists of two 12-foot travel lanes with no sidewalks and rural shoulders. The existing Eastview Road consists of two variable 10-foot to 12-foot travel lanes with no sidewalks and rural shoulders. The existing right-of-way width on SR 20/Sigman Road varies from approximately 100 feet to 130 feet. The existing right-of-way width on Eastview Road is approximately 60 feet. Eastview Road is a stop condition at the intersection with SR 20/Sigman Road. The proposed SR 20/Sigman Road and Eastview Road would have a separate 12-foot left turn lane in each direction with a 12-foot shared through/right turn lane in each direction. SR 20/Sigman Road would have grassed rural shoulders. To minimize construction impacts, Eastview Road would have eight-foot shoulders with curb and gutter and no sidewalks on the south side of the eastbound approach. The remainder of the Eastview Road shoulders would be grassed rural shoulders. No additional right-of-way would be required on SR 20/Sigman Road. Approximately 40 feet of additional right-of-way, 20 feet to the north and 20 feet to the south, would be required on Eastview Road for a total right-of-way width of approximately 100 feet. A traffic signal would also be added so that the intersection would operate as a traffic signal controlled intersection. Project Changes based upon July 2007 plans: The proposed project limits have changed. The northern project limit on SR 20/Sigman Road has shifted south by approximately 55 feet to 425 feet north of the SR 20/Sigman Road and Eastview Road intersection. The southern project limits on SR 20/Sigman Road has shifted south by approximately 179 feet to 749 feet south of the SR 20/Sigman Road and Eastview Road intersection. The western project limit on Eastview Road has shifted east by approximately 41 feet to approximately 329 feet west of the SR 20/Sigman Road and Eastview Road intersection. The eastern project limit on Eastview Road has shifted east by approximately 58 feet to approximately 428 feet east of the SR 20/Sigman Road and Eastview Road intersection. The total project length would be approximately 1,931 feet (0.37 mile). Additional right-of-way totaling approximately 0.03 acre would be required in the northwest quadrant of the intersection. Temporary easements totaling less than 0.1 acre would be required at the intersection in the northwest, northeast and southwest quadrants for the construction of slopes. An additional temporary easement for the construction of slopes would be required at the eastern project terminus on the north side of Eastview Road. The construction easement would be approximately 104 feet long and would vary from approximately 10 to 30 feet in width. EPEI received a set of reevaluation plans on December 4, 2008. The plans are consistent with the July 2007 plans.