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Cultural Resource Survey for an Approximately 20-mile Pipeline Proposed Between Plant McDonough and an Interstate Pipe Near Union City In Cobb and Fulton Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Georgia Power Company contracted TRC to carry out a cultural resource survey of approximately 13 miles of an approximately 20-mile pipeline corridor, 95 percent of which will be placed in existing transmission line right-of-way, in Cobb and Fulton counties, Georgia. Approximately 7 miles of the line will be placed deep below the surface by horizontal directional drilling or dry boring, and thus will not create near-surface disturbances with potential to affect archaeological resources. These segments were, therefore, not included in the survey. The pipe will be 30 inches in diameter, and will be placed within a corridor 30 feet wide. In addition to the 30-foot-wide corridor, TRC also surveyed designated workspaces associated with the pipeline corridor, which were generally an additional 50 feet on one side of the pipeline corridor, but sometimes consisted of 50 feet on both sides of the corridor, and even some areas with as much as 170 feet beyond the pipeline corridor. In these expanded workspaces, where the total project area was 200 feet wide, TRC archaeologists employed two survey transects spaced 30 m apart. TRC previously conducted a literature search for a 0.5-mile radius surrounding the proposed route, referred to as Route D in Georgia Power's preliminary project scoping.