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Moose Lodge Proposed Substation and Transmission Line, Carroll County, Georgia, Archaeological Survey and Testing

Report Number
Year of Publication

On June 4, 1983, Robert S. Webb of Claude Terry & Associates, Inc. (CTA) , conducted a 100 percent coverage cultural resource pedestrian survey of the proposed Oglethorpe Power Corporation Moose Lodge transmission line corridor in Carroll County, Georgia. A review of the state site files and the National Register of Historic Places revealed that no previously recorded cultural resources have been discovered within the proposed impact zone. Surface survey and subsurface shovel testing revealed a large surface/subsurface prehistoric site (Site 124.4-1) and one isolated find. The significance of Site 124.4-1 could not be determined during the initial survey, and exploratory testing was conducted by Webb on June 18 and 19, 1983. Testing revealed that the site was heavily utilized during Archaic, Woodland and Mississippian culture periods. Although disturbances were obvious and no cultural strata were evident during testing, the frequency and type of artifacts recovered indicated a sedentary village site where intrusive subsoil features such as living floors, storage pits and/or burials were likely to occur. Based on these findings, CTA recommends that a more intensive testing program be conducted at Site 124.4-1 or that the site be avoided by the transmission line.