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Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Tilton (Center Point)-Moss Lake 230-KV Transmission Line Access Roads, Gordon and Whitfield Counties, Georgia.

Report Number
Year of Publication

TRC was contracted by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to conduct an archaeological survey for 21 proposed access roads associated with the proposed 15.5-mile 230/115-kV transmission line in Gordon and Whitfield counties, Georgia, which will proceed from the Center Point Substation south of Dalton to a future substation site east of Calhoun. The transmission line corridor itself along with a previous set of proposed access roads were surveyed by TRC in 2005 and 2006. The newly proposed access roads covered in the current project varied in length from 142 feet to 9,892 feet with an average width of 12 feet, for an approximate total of 12.09 miles of roadway surveyed. An additional 1534.47 feet of roadway was surveyed as an alternative for PIAR7 in order to facilitate avoidance of potentially eligible site 9GO304. While several of the access roads are existing dirt roads, some traverse agricultural fields with good surface visibility and others lie within green field areas requiring subsurface testing to determine the presence of archaeological deposits. The Area of Potential Effects (APE) for archaeological resources is limited to the access road corridors, where ground disturbing activities are likely to take place.