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Phase I Archaeological Survey American Tower Corporation Proposed Telecommunications Tower Site Site Name: Coffee Bluff American Tower Corporation Site No: SV4740.1 Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On behalf of American Tower Corporation and following the recommendation of the Georgia Department of Natural History (see attached letter), Terracon has conducted an intensive archaeological survey (Phase I archaeological survey) of the proposed site for the construction of a 180-foot monopole telecommunication tower with flush mount antennas at the above referenced location (Figure 1). Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations require that American Tower Corporation consider the effects of the proposed tower on archaeological resources. The purpose of this Phase I survey is to determine the presence of any known or previously undetected archaeological resources that will be affected by the construction of the proposed project. For the purposes of this project an Area of Potential Effect (APE) was set at a one-mile radius from the proposed tower (Figure 1). This report is being submitted to the Georgia Department of Natural History to seek a letter of concurrence in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). The principal investigator for this project was Scott Pike, Ph.D., R.P.A.