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Archaeological Assessment of Project PR-39 (007), Baker County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project PR-39 (007) allows for grading, drainage, base and surfacing on approximately 2.3 km (1.4 mi) of roadway on CR 39 and CR. 43 in Baker County. The proposed project on CR 39 would begin at CD 30 and would continue northerly for 1.4 km (.9 mi) to CR 43. From that point the project on CR 43 would continue easterly for .80 km (.5 mi) ending at CR 45. Required right-of-way for the project will be approximately 24.4 m (80 ft). An archaeological survey consistent with the proposed right-of-way was conducted for the entire project corridor. No existing or eligible National Register archaeological resources were to located within the project's area of potential environmental effect.