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Archaological Survey of Project STP-004-2(38), Baldwin County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project proposes to reconstruct and improve the intersection of SR 22/24 and CR 472 approximately 1.2 miles east of the city limits of Milledgeville. The proposed project would widen SR 22/24 12 feet on the westbound side to provide an acceleration lane for the free flowing right turn lane from CR 472. SR 22/24 would also be widened 12 feet on the eastbound side to provide for an adequate left turn lane into CR 472. A 12 foot right turn lane would also be constructed on the westbound approach. CR 472 would also be widened 12 feet to provide a free flowing right turn lane on the southbound approach. The length of the project is approximately 0.5 mile. Additional right-of-way required will vary from 10-85 feet. No existing or eligible National Register resources were located within the project's area of potential environmental effect.