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Cultural Resource Management Plan for the Operation and Maintenance of the Associated Transmission Routes Vogtle Electric Generating Plant

Report Number
Year of Publication

Georgia Power Company [GPC], as licensee of the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant [VEGP], has undertaken cultural resource management [CRM] actions pertinent to siting and construction of four transmission projects associated with the VEGP. These projects are as follows. The V-ETL commences at the VEGP, and from that point traverses portions of Burke, Screven, Effingham, Chatham, Bryan, Liberty, Long, McIntosh and Glynn Counties, Georgia. This route is approximately 153 miles long. The V-STL commences at the VEGP, and from that point traverses portions of Burke, Jefferson, Washington, Putnam, Hancock, Baldwin, Jones and Monroe Counties, Georgia. This route is approximately 149 miles long. The V-GTL commences at the VEGP, and from that point traverses portions of Burke and Richmond Counties, Georgia. This route is approximately 17 miles long. The V-SCTL line route is 2.6 miles in length and is located between the VEGP and the west [Georgia] bank of the Savannah River in Burke County, Georgia. Hereinafter, these projects, including both the line corridor [or right-of-way] and the transmission lines are referred to as line "routes". On these four line routes, a total of one hundred and twenty-seven [127] cultural [archaeological] properties eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places were identified. Through facility siting and construction these properties have been under management by GPC through application of effects avoidance and/or effects negation strategies. This plan provides for continuing management of these properties during the life of the VEGP license in activities associated with project operations and maintenance, administrative actions such as encroachments, and future development or redevelopment of these line routes.