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Phase I Archaeological Survey of SR 11/US 41 from SR 49 to Houston Road, Houston and Peach Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would make improvements along SR 49/SR 11/US 41 in Houston and Peach Counties, Georgia. SR 49/SR 11/US 41 would have four 12-foot travel lanes, two in each direction, with a 44-foot depressed median. In addition, the project would revise two of the existing intersections along SR 49/ SR 11/US 41 into three "T" intersections at 90 degrees with SR 49/SR 11 /US 41. The first intersection is Houston Lake Road/Houston Road at SR 49/SR 11/US 41, which would be separated into two intersections. The Houston Road intersection would be relocated approximately 900 feet north of the existing intersection. The Houston Lake Road intersection would be relocated approximately 1,100 feet south of the existing intersection. The second intersection is the "Y" intersection of SR 49 and SR 11/US 41. SR 11/US 41 would intersect SR 49 at 90 degrees approximately 1,000 feet south of the existing intersection. Houston Road and Houston Lake Road would be two lane roadways with turn lanes at SR 49/SR 11/US 41. SR 11/US 41 would be a two lane roadway with turn lanes at the intersection of SR 49. The proposed project would begin on SR 49 approximately 830 feet west of the proposed intersection of SR 49 and SR 11/US 41. At this point, the road becomes SR 11 [US 41/SR 49 and the proposed project would continue east for 5,185 feet. The total length along this section of the project would be approximately 6,015 feet (1.14 miles). The proposed project length along US 11 /US 41 (before it merges with SR 49) would be approximately 2,000 feet. The proposed project length along Houston Lake Road would be approximately 700 feet. The proposed project length along Houston Road would be approximately 1,500 feet. The proposed project length along Old Houston Road would be approximately 1,306 feet. Total project length would be approximately 11,521 feet (2.18 miles). The existing right-of-way along SR 11/US 41 varies from 120 to 200 feet. To accommodate the construction of the proposed improvements along SR 11 /US 41, an additional 150 feet of right-of-way would be required. The proposed maximum right-of-way would be approximately 340 feet.