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Archaeological Assessment of Projects STP-00TS(24) & STP-00MS(16), Chatham County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project STP-OOMS(16) would involve the placement of video cameras, changeable message signs, and system loop detectors in 4 areas within the Savannah City limits. These areas are: along Abercorn St. from the southern city limits to Victory Dr.; along DeRenne Ave. from 1-516 to Truman Parkway; along Victory Dr. from Martin Luther King Blvd. to the Wilmington River; and along Bay St. from Fahm St. to Lincoln St. Fiber optic lines would be installed along the project areas using existing utility poles and underground conduit systems. Project STP-OOTS(24) would include signalization upgrades at 13 intersections within the Savannah City limits. Minor subsurface disturbance is required for the completion of both projects. An archaeological survey consistent with the project descriptions was conducted along the entire length of both project corridors. Both archaeological surveys were limited in scope due to the complete urbanization of the project areas. Anticipating that potentially eligible archaeological resources might be discovered during the construction of the proposed projects, GDOT, with concurrence from the SHPO, added a Special Provision to the construction contracts in accordance with 36 CFR 800.11(a) Planning for Discovery. The Special Provisions stated: "In accordance with 36 CFR 800.11(a) Planning for Discovery, the Georgia Department of Transportation will ensure that an archaeologist who meets the Secretary of Interior's Guidelines for Professional Qualifications Standards monitor all land disturbing activities including but not limited to excavation and drilling within the proposed projects area of potential environmental effect. The monitoring will include the recovery, recording, and reporting of all subsurface archaeological features or artifact concentrations located. If any such features or concentrations are located during monitoring, land disturbing activity will be halted in the immediate vicinity of the resources to provide no more than five days time for the Department archaeologist, in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer, to evaluate their significance by applying National Register criteria, and allowing their proper excavation and recovery. The work stoppage will not exceed the minimum time necessary for completion of this work for each occurrence of significant archaeological resources. No existing or eligible National Register archaeological resources were located during the archaeological monitoring within the projects area of potential environmental effect. It is concluded, therefore, that the projects will have no effect upon archaeological resources on or eligible for inclusion in the NRHP.